You can use Quercetin and buy it online. It works like hydroxychloroquine. You need to take it with zinc. It helps the body absorb zinc. You can also buy tonic water and has quinine in it, but is not as strong as hydroxy or quercetin. You can buy the horse paste Ivermectin at a farm or feed store or online. It is the same used for humans. Just adjust your dosage based on your weight. You can get that info online and purchase it online.

The Zelenko protocol has helped our family. 250 mg quercetin, 400mg Vitamin C, 1000-4000IU Vitamin D3, and 15mg zinc(Dr. Zelenko recommends these amounts for children). Sometimes the symptoms go away quickly and sometimes it can take a few days.

Sputnik V has been identified with Vaxx Shedding. More on this later.

Have you experienced shedding? If you do please share your experience here.

To know about possible solutions to shedding please standby. In the meantime, look up the following:
• Ivermectin
• Quercetin
• Pine needle tea / Fennel
There are many others as well.

Quercetin is a plant pigment (flavonoid). It’s found in many plants and foods, such as red wine, onions, green tea, apples, and berries. Quercetin has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects that might help reduce swelling, kill cancer cells, control blood sugar, and help prevent heart disease

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