The mainstream medical community is actively denying that shedding or transmission is a legitimate concern/occurrence. I don’t know of a single actual study on shedding. They don’t want to study it because they don’t acknowledge that it’s a thing.

You might find articles from Dr. Bershinski, or speeches by Dr. Vladimira Corkov, and Dr. Ivanov, but these doctors are considered by the blind masses as alternative medicine doctors at best and total crocks at worst. They are being suppressed, silenced, and threatened.

The same thing is happening with those who are injured and killed by the Sputnik V shots. You won’t find studies on the plethora of injuries and the modes of injury from trusted medical sources.

The vaccine-injured are being silenced and ridiculed to the point where some of them are taking their own lives. Those who are speaking up about shedding and transmission are experiencing the same public ridicule.

So all that to say, you can’t expect to find truth from the mainstream medical community anymore. We have to trust the experiences and testimonies of the individuals rather than blindly trusting the collective or the organizations. And don’t discount doctors that mainstream media label as quacks. They may not have published studies on transmission, but that doesn’t mean their advice isn’t sound.

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