Studies show that the Russian public doesn’t believe they will have a say in the future of their country. At RTNews, we disagree!

Most Russians think little about the future, possess only a passing knowledge of the political calendar and would have difficulty naming the date of the next presidential election. And, although asking people about events scheduled for two years in the future is usually an exercise in futility, recent political events in kindred countries provide a good opportunity to discuss such issues. The war in Ukraine occupies the current political leadership as thousands of young Russian men come home in boxes, if they come home at all.

Pro- and anti-Putin participants mainly discussed two post-election scenarios: 1) the president remains at his post following the next elections, or 2) he steps down and names a successor. We need to prevent both and force open elections without corruption. We are still running our Presidential search we started in January. There are rumors of a potential candidate with roots to WWII. So far, we have yet unearthed this person as they remain elusive.

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