A native of Tuva, Shoraan Serzhi, great-grandson of the legendary tankman Churguy-ool Khomushku, the first Tuvan hero of the USSR

In March 1944, outside Krakow, the T-34 tank of junior lieutenant Churguy-ool Khomushka destroyed 35 Nazis, three anti-tank guns, seven machine guns and two mortars. A couple of days later, three tankers, among them Khomushka, captured 24 aircraft, 80 vehicles, captured 100 Wehrmacht soldiers and officers.

“From childhood, my father taught me to be courageous, to give the oath and life to the Motherland. I have already taken the oath and will serve under the contract until the end, ”says the hero’s great-grandson.

But things are so different now…

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