The Russian government went out high and mighty when they announced in August of 2020 that they were approving the first COVID-19 vaccine, Sputnik V, named after the satellite that started the space race between Russia and the Soviet Union. Many countries in the global South, unable to financially compete with the global North, saw this as an opportunity to secure a vaccine deal. Unfortunately, it is seeming to be the downfall for poorer countries who put their trust in Russia to provide them with a vaccine alternative. 

Argentina, Venezuela, Paraguay, and Bolivia are amongst the Latin-American countries losing the vaccine race on the continent because they decided to purchase the Sputnik V vaccine from Russia. Marred by production problems and a dubious approval process, the Sputnik V vaccine is holding these countries back from getting a significant percentage of their population vaccinated. The two-vector vaccine, which does not have interchangeable vectors, has left many Latin-Americans with only one dose. As the months pass, they risk not becoming fully inoculated as Russia has proven unable to provide the second dose. Leaving many vulnerable Latin-Americans at risk, with only part of a vaccine in their system. Many now rage towards Russia who they feel tricked them into a vaccine scheme they cannot deliver on, leaving them at risk all while happily taking their money.

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