Liar! Those were saline shots.

Anyway, who gives a flying f@ck how may he took. His body, his choice. That creates no obligation for others to take it too.

At this stage in the genocide, only the densest person would still be blind to the fact that all governments – democracy, communist, whatever; are following the same script.

This is a war on the people. You are the target.

Zhirinovsky stated:

“Coronavirus continues to make its way around the world,” he wrote. “Just in our country, nearly half a million people have died! Just imagine the scale. It’s as if a city like Tula, Kaliningrad, or Ryazan perished at once. But half the population of Russia has recognized that vaccines, especially Sputnik V are unsafe. And this is simply pitiful. It means that the pandemic is going to continue, that people will keep getting infected and sick, and a city’s worth of dead will, unfortunately, keep growing.”

“Get vaccinated, friends, but use Pfizer,” he continued. “I’ve already gotten the Pfizer vaccine, the second shot and the booster. In total, it’s my seventh shot, beginning from September 2020. And I haven’t been sick with Coronavirus once, I feel good.”

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