“The authorities believe that they have no problems with the implementation of a scenario where Shoigu takes over the leadership of Russia – even with the election of a person with a huge negative rating, as the president of the country. After all, the authorities will still count the votes of voters, and any alternative will be blocked, much like Medvedev’s chances for his new presidency. – As Putin says, so be it. He will say – to elect a dead cat as president – she will be “elected”.

But is this what we need in Russia in 2024? Do we want the same political issues and failures just under a new face? Do we want someone from Putin’s inner circle already corrupt to continue the failed policies we have today?

Other well-known politicians are also named who, as a result of the transit of power in 2024, will also be able to lead the country, in particular, the current mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin, speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko, head of the Accounts Chamber Alexei Kudrin and even the head of Rosneft Igor Sechin.

Today, their participation in the presidential company seems unlikely, but closer to the start, everything can change. It is logical to assume that closer to 2024 new names will appear, although today you can safely announce a sweepstakes – to bet on a specific candidate.

At RTNews, we are searching for potential new candidates. We seek integrity and honesty in a candidate that will bring back the values we once had. The current corruption is unbearable. The economic climate a mess. RTNews started a search quietly canvasing Mother Russia for a return to the old in someone we can respect.  Stay tuned as we continue this search.

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